For parents who have entered their old age, they may often forget where to put things such as keys, remotes, or other objects. Not infrequently, this makes you annoyed and wasted time. Do you know why that happened? Yup, this is because of the result of short term memory loss or what is also known as short term memory loss. Well apparently, this can also happen to children, you know. So that parents and children don’t forget often, let’s do the following!
1. Exercise regularly
Besides increasing endurance which can increase hormone function, physical activity such as exercise can also stimulate the growth of brain cells , you know. Simply by doing light stretches or jogging, parents can become healthier. However, this exercise must be done regularly for at least 30 minutes every day. You can also take promind complex Supplement. These supplements can help you solve any memory problems you are experiencing.
2. Playing music
According to Gary Small from UCLA’s Neuropsychiatric Institute, playing music can actually maintain the balance of the human brain . Types of musical instruments also vary from piano, guitar, violin, saxophone, or other musical instruments. For parents who have never played music, let’s try to learn or develop these abilities again if parents and children can play it.
3. Fill out a crossword puzzle
Apart from playing music, doing crossword puzzles can also be used by parents to deal with short-term memory loss. This is because the brain is spurred on to think, analyze, and test memory. The University of Exeter Medical School and Kings College London have conducted studies that prove that people who often fill in crossword puzzles have better attention, reasoning, and memory. Apart from crossword puzzles, playing puzzles or sudoku can also help so you don’t forget quickly, you know.
4. Get social
The Harvard School of Public Health found evidence that people who enjoy socializing have better memories than those who don’t. By interacting with other people, both parents and children can relieve stress and depression, which are both causes of forgetfulness. So, don’t be an individualist, huh. Meet people and interact with them!
5. Using mnemonics
Do parents know what mnemonics are? Yep, mnemonics are a technique to make it easier for someone to remember something by connecting words, phrases, or sentences. There are many ways that can be done with this mnemonic technique, such as when you want to shop, parents can arrange groceries into words. For example, when parents want to buy long beans, tamarind, mustard greens, sweet potatoes, and bamboo shoots, it can be shortened to “mattresses” by using the first letters of the vegetable names. Quite helpful, yes .
6. Create a to-do-list
Make a to-do-list the night before to write down what you want to do the next day. In order to make it easier to see the list, this t o-do-list is better placed in a place that is often reached such as on the refrigerator door, cupboard door, or other strategic places. You can also write it down on a piece of paper like a post-it note that is easy to paste and remove.
7. Write a journal
If the night before, you have written a list of what you want to do. Well , the next day, parents or children can write back what happened that day so that the information can be remembered. Apart from making it easier to remember, other functions of keeping a journal can perform better in life.
So, after knowing how to deal with short-term memory loss, are parents interested in trying it?