The great name of a company does not disqualify from teamwork in an office environment. There is good teamwork and also plenty of fluency in building a company. If cooperation between members of a team is bad, then it works over collapse that work over time. Therefore, we have to really pay attention and focus on building a good team.
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The reason why building teamwork is important. Because working for a company requires synergy in each team. Interagency and department cooperation to meet the overall target. Moreover, at the individual level, cooperation is also an important tool for deepening interpersonal and intrapersonal skills. So that we can get to know one another, and also interact with those in positions of authority.
To be able to build cooperation in a strong and effective team isa challenge everyone faces. Still, we need not worry, but even if we do wake up with several steps, such as the following:
1. Building trust and mutual respect
As a team of people with thoughts and opinions, then we should be able to respect each other. With this mutual respect, we can cultivate confidence in our fellow teammates.
Once trust and respect have been firmly established ina team work, cooperation is easily built up. If there is anything questionable at all, speak it tactfully. Just to be safe, let’s approach in person.
2. Need to facilitate communication between each team member

Facilitating communication to create an atmosphere of open communication as well as honest. Every member of the team has the right to express himself in the form of thoughts, opinions, even solutions. Various opinions will provide answers to many of the problems of our team work.
Effective and solid teams have great benefits for our company. A work team can only work effectively if properly managed by the management. By involving team members in process of corporate development.
Leaders who are directly responsible for the work teams should position themselves as counselors or trainers. A manager must also give his team members the freedom to advance their ideas and opinions.
3. Team performance evaluations and positive feedback assessments

After we’ve done a team effort, don’t forget to review the performance of their expectations and goals. In the case of this review, let us request feedback from our fellow team.
This needs to be done, in order to measure whether the performance of these teams is successful or not. Well, this is where we can see the space of evaluation, so that for our next project can continue to improve performance. Even try not to repeat the same mistakes as on the previous project.